The Leg of Time
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:08 p.m.
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The jes-ter hops on the Leg of Time the scourge of the Wiz-ard Na-tion Mag-ic-al chant-ing is no crime when you're suc-kled by a blind Al-sa-tion who stole the Leg of Time? see-ing through the eyes of Mur-gar's Kes-trel where's the ti-ny Mouse? There it is ha ha ha ha ha ha Ride a white Pig to the edge of Lap-land why did i do that? Why did I do that? I don't know who stole the Leg of Time? when time had one leg it could-n't march it stopped it hopped who stole the Leg of Time? Was it the Wiz-ards? No! Was it the Gob-lins? Was it the Elves? Was it the Dwarves? No! Was it the Kes-trels? No! Was it the Sat-yrs? No! Was it the Brain Pol-ice? What? Was it the man with the key to the door of re-al-i-ty un-der-neath the Mat of In-sig-nif-i-cance? No! Who was it then? Was it the Ter-ror-irsts? No! Pter-o-dac-tyls? No! It was Ter-ry Ter-ry Ter-ry stole the Leg of Time Cock-ney mid-dle eight Oh Ter-ry you slag you nicked the Leg of Time give it back be-fore you get a slap I will take it down the Dog and Duck and leave it be-hind the bar or you'll get a slap sun-shine don't guve me no rab-bit Leave it be-hind the bar get off me sis-ter Leave it be-hind the bar give him half a pound Leave it be-hind the bar Who stole the Leg of Time? Ter-ry stole the Leg of Time The theft of Time's Leg was his crime